
I’ll be honest, I’ve no idea what direction this blog will take. No topic is off limits, but my passion for adventure is what brought me to create this blog. I have a passion for travel and adventure and hope to share some of my experiences here. I’ll also likely post about experiences back in Illinois, from growing up in a small town in southern Illinois, to my college experiences, to life observations in general. I also enjoy cycling and running, from time to time I may post something in that arena.

Thanks again for visiting, I hope you enjoy your time here!

Panel 1


A little about myself, I was born and raised in small town southern Illinois and lived there until after graduating from college. From there I moved to Springfield, IL where I worked for an architecture firm. After 2+ years in Springfield I decided to take a leap and move my story to Baltimore, Maryland.

Panel 2


This is a contact page with some basic contact information and a contact form.